Sunday, May 1, 2011

Royal Admission

     Today was my last day in Edinburgh, and, unfortunately, my last day of adventure. The only adventure that awaits me after today is the trip back home to Pittsburgh. I've had such a wonderful time here that I'm not sure that I want to go back yet! I guess I can't be selfish, though. I've done more in two than most people have in their lifetimes! Also, I can't really say that I don't miss home just a little, especially my friends and family! Speaking of family, I manged to take plenty of pictures of my last outing for my sister!
     My first stop on my last adventure was the Queen's Palace of residence itself, Holyrood House! I wasn't permitted to take pictures from the inside, but I got plenty of pictures of the outside! It was so beautiful, on the inside and out, if you'll take my word for it! I can't believe that I was actually admitted to the palace where the Queen of Scotland lives (! I guess it was too much to ask for to actually see the Queen, though.

Palace of Holyrood House
     My next and final stop was the Castle of Edinburgh. It was even more grand than Holyrood House, and it had seen much more history. I got a tour along with the admission for only 14 GBP (! Once again, they only let me take pictures of the outside, but it was worth it to have a picture at all! Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?!

Castle of Edinburgh
     I learned a lot about the history of Scotland, but I'm sad to say that, unlike the history that I learned in Canterbury, I'm having trouble recalling any of it. There were a lot of things that I didn't understand...more than likely because I know next to nothing about Scotland to begin with. My sister might have understood more than I did. I suppose I'll ask her about it when I get home.
     Well, I guess there's no easy way to say it: my trip is over. All that's left to do is catch my train back to Piccadilly, stay at my hostel for one more night, and catch my plane home in the morning. I'm really going to miss Europe. It has a lot to offer first-time and returning visitors. I had a lot of fun, and I'll remember it forever, but I can't say that I'm not looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again!
     Pittsburgh, here I come!

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