Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Another History Lesson

     This town is just full of cultural history, isn't it? After learning the interesting facts surrounding the Canterbury Cathedral and Canterbury Tales, I simply had to see more, and what better place to learn about a town's history than their museum? With a price of less than 5 GBP, it was just the place to visit. It was full of different exhibits and informed staff who had lived in the town for the better part of their lives. It was very enlightening, and they even retold the story of the murder in the Canterbury Cathedral. ( I also learned about another prominent Christian landmark within the town, and decided to take a look for myself.
     St. Augustine's Abbey was nearly as enormous as the Cathedral, and just as beautiful. It was built during the rise of Christianity in England, and is one of the oldest churches in the country. I was even allowed to tour the Abbey's ruins, and see objects found by archaeologists from the Abbey's earlier days. It was so interesting to see and touch something so old. It really brought to light the significance of the building. It gave me a new appreciation for the things of the past like it (even if it did have a slightly creepy aura. Then again, what ancient ruins aren't creepy, in a way?).  ('s-Abbey/details/?dms=13&feature=1&venue=3030380)

Ruins of St Augustine's Abbey

     Tomorrow will be my last day here, so I plan to make the most of it! I'm going to see what I have most been looking forward to: the Ducking Stool!

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