Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Beautiful London, Part One

     I have clearly seen from pictures that London is beautiful, but until now, I truly had no idea. My first true outing in this city a meaningful visit. Not only did I see that London's famous clock tower, Big Ben, is the single most beautifully decorated sight that I have ever seen, but I also learned that it happens to be connected to the building housing the British Parliament! (Ignorance is most certainly NOT bliss.)

Oh, Britannia!

It was only a short 5 GBP train ride away, and I gained admission for only 8 GBP with my student ID! (http://www.tourist-information-uk.com/parliament.htm) Sightseeing in London is actually a lot cheaper than I originally thought. My next destination was a tad more expensive, but nonetheless worth while! 
     I've previously stated that Big Ben was possibly the most beautiful sight that I've ever seen...I was wrong. You would agree if you ever got the chance to see the view from the top of the London Eye. (http://www.londoneye.com/TicketsAndPrices/Tickets/Default.aspx) A standard ticket simply wouldn't do...I had to see it at night! The ticket sold for the same price, and while I considered buying a combination ticket that would allow me to see it twice in one day (once during the day and once at night), I decided to save my money for my next destination. I was too tired to do anything but return to the hostel after that, but I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

View from my capsule.

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