Friday, April 29, 2011

Ugh, more trains...

     Well, goodbye Canterbury, hello Edinburgh! I must say, I'm getting pretty sick of riding trains, especially since this one was the longest ride ( Although I must say, at least I had a great view! My sister always raves about how beautiful Scotland is, but I could never truly appreciate it until I saw it for myself! I'm so glad that I had a window-seat. The scenery really is beautiful. There are plenty of lakes, mountains, river, and greenery. It's all so...earthy. Being from the city, I'm very surprised that earth's natural beauty can be so, well, beautiful. My sister will be so jealous. I'm so sad that she couldn't come with me. I'll be sure to bring her back plenty of pictures and souvenirs!

I had to take a picture for my sister from the train. Scotland really is beautiful!
     After changing trains to make it to my hostel (, I settled in. Once again, it isn't as nice as Piccadilly Backpackers was, but it has continental breakfast and free internet access in the lobby. It even has free washer/dryer access (! It'll be nice to wash the clothes that I've worn so far and make room in my backpack.
     For the rest of the day, I think I'll just use their lobby's internet access to plan for the rest of my trip, day by day. I've done a bit of research already, and have a few ideas of places that I want to go. This is the last stop on my trip, and while I'm eager to return home, I'm determined to make this last leg count! I'm going to see everything that Edinburgh has to offer and more!
     This one's for you, sis! I'm thinking of you!

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