Monday, April 11, 2011

Fast Start to a Long Trip!

     Well, after a rather uneventful flight (although flying for the first time was eventful in itself for me), I finally arrived in London! My first time on a train was about as eventful as my first time on a plane. Luckily, the airport had a railway that took me right from London Heathrow to Piccadilly Circus, where my hostel was located, and all for just 5 GBP! In fact, that specific railway price is the same throughout all of London Zone 1 (, which is where I plan to do all of my sightseeing and travelling throughout the week. 5 GBP for each train ride doesn't sound so bad.
     Anyway, after I made it to Piccadilly Circus, my hostel (Piccadilly Backpackers) was only a 30 walk from the train. It was different than I imagined, but still nice. It had a nice list of facilities and services. ( checked in relatively early, so I had plenty of time to see at least one of London's sights. After settling in and familiarizing myself a bit with the hostel's interior, I thought that I could kill two birds with one stone by visiting the Covent Garden. Not only is it one of London's most well-known sights, but it has a nice food market where I could stalk up on what I'll need for the rest of the week (though I suspect I'll also be living off of the continental breakfast at the hostel...)! The train price was true to it's word, but after perusing a few shops in the market area, I decided to save my money for food when I would really need it. I would have to say that the strangest thing I saw there were people dressed as statues! They would stand around during the day and not move for hours in centers and at fountains! I could barley tell that they were alive! The museum was beautiful, also. ( After that, I decided to head back to the hostel and use their internet access to find a nice map of the area. Their  own website had a pretty nice one in comparison to where they were located. (
     I decided that that was enough for one day. Yes, I still had plenty of time left, but I spent that time in the hostel planning out the rest of my week day by day. I'll keep posting on the more eventful things that I see and do. One thing's for sure: I can tell that I'm going to love London already!

Yes, those are people dressed as statues. I'm guessing they're on "break."

Statue soldier on the job.

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