Thursday, April 28, 2011

Witches and Gladiators!

     No, the title is not strange; not when you've experienced the outings that I had today! After breakfast alone (already missing my friend! Hope she got to Dover safely.), I ventured out to the point of interest in Canterbury that I had most looked forward to (or rather, the point of interest that would take me to that point of interest). As per my last day in London, I thought I'd take a river cruise/tour. It turned out to be a good decision. It cost me only 7.50 GBP (, and took me past wonderful places of significance in Canterbury, such as the Greyfriars, Canterbury Cathedral, the King's Bridge, and various buildings from the medieval period, such as the Old Weaver's House and the King's Mill ( Each tour sight had interesting history behind it (adding to the already vast amount of history that I was already aware of), but none interested me so much as the Ducking Stool in the garden of the Old Weaver's House.
Ducking Stool

  I have always been interested in subjects of the occult, and the purpose of the Ducking Stool fell right into that category. During the medieval times, as well as serving as a form of punishment and torture, the Ducking Stool was a method used to test the credibility of someone who was accused of being a witch. The accusers would strap their victim to the chair/stool, and submerge them under the water for elongated periods of time. If the victim lived, then they were pronounced a witch, and burned at the stake. If instead, they drowned, then they would be proclaimed innocent, and although they had died wrongfully, their name was cleared, and the accuser suffered no retribution. This tool (if a slightly more modernized version) was referenced in episode 9 of season 2 of my favorite anime as of late, and it was certainly interesting to learn of the history and origin of the tool, as it had piqued my curiosity during the episode. (

Ciel (of 'Black Butler' anime series) being tortured via use of the Ducking Stool.

      My next stop was one that I simply could not miss, less for my sake and more for the sake of my friend, Shelby, back home. If I returned to Pittsburgh without stopping here, she would have my head! The Canterbury Roman Museum (yes, more history) was absolutely overflowing with exhibits and archeological findings from the time of the Greeks and Romans. They even allowed access to the site of an excavated Roman house from that time period! Apparently, the town of Canterbury expanded greatly during this time, due to the fact that it was a major trading post near London used by the Romans. I took plenty of pictures for her, just in case she doesn't believe me! (
     My next, and last, as it seems, adventure will pique the interest of another important person back home: my sister, Mariah. I wish that she could have come with me (and she does, too!). I feel terrible that she's missing a trip to the capital of her favorite country! I'll be sure to bring her back souvenirs!
     Next stop: Edinburgh!

1 comment:

  1. You're posts are wonderful. It really sounds like you're there (which is exactly as I hoped they would sound).
