Wednesday, April 13, 2011


     I found a solution to my problem! Yesterday, I wasn't sure of what to see on my last day here (*sniff*sniff* sad to leave!!!), so I decided to let other people decide! I went back to the London Eye, and took their river cruise! ( It was only 12 GBP per person, and I got to see more than I did in the past four days! I even passed things that I had already seen, like Big Ben!
     Oh, but my favorite sight on the cruise had to be London Bridge! It was just so iconic! I actually had to stop myself from singing as we passed it (just how much of a tourist would I look like to the locals then?!). I have to say, I imagined it looking a lot different than it did. (I know, a "big fan of London, yet I've never taken the time to actually look up a picture of the freakin' bridge.) I imagined something big and impressive, like the Tower Bridge...but it was really rather small in comparison...and plain. It wasn't disappointing for that...just rather surprising. I mean, it has it's own song! You'd think it would be unusual...

"London Bridge is falling down,
My Fair Lady..."

     The story about it was unusual, though! I heard that in order to complete the bridge, human sacrifices were made, but I also heard that it was just a myth. Maybe during the time of the Black Plague...but those were darker times. Although, I can't help but notice that both concepts have nursery rhymes written about them (i.e., "London Bridge is Falling Down," and "Ring Around the Rosy.") Either way, it's still nice to be able to say that I've seen London Bridge, passed under it, and that it did NOT "fall down" on me. ^^
     Well, tomorrow's a big day! Another train trip to another hostel in another city!
 Canterbury, here I come!


  1. Sounds like you're having fun. I'd really like to SEE some of these places. How about posting some pictures to go along with your wonderful descriptions. Cheers!

  2. Thanks for the picture (and a caption)! Some American bought the old London Bridge and had it reassembled in Arizona!

  3. Really?! I'm going to look into that! I wasn't aware...that's so strange.
